
bathroom renovation


bathroom renovation Projects

13 results

Posted On July 02, 2021

All You Need To Know About Ceiling Fans in Bathrooms

Summers can be unbearably hot, especially in areas that experience a lot of humidity. In such weather conditions, people rush to get new air conditioners and ceiling fans as well....

Posted On June 04, 2021

What is the Cheapest and Inexpensive Way to Remodel a Bathroom?

Bathroom remodeling doesn’t have to be expensive. There are many simple ways you can revamp your bathroom without having to spend a fortune.If you are looking to make some changes...

Posted On May 16, 2021

Tips on Choosing the Right Freestanding Bath

Freestanding baths bring the feeling of a peaceful spa into the comfort of your home. They are both stylish and modern, an upgrade that almost every bathroom could use. Although...

Posted On May 01, 2021

How to Decorate Your Bathroom under $500

Bathrooms are some of the most difficult rooms to renovate and decorate, particularly if you are on a budget. Usually, any visible change could only be made if you tear...

Posted On April 28, 2021

10 Mistakes to Avoid When Installing Bathroom Sealants

Sealing your bathroom is a good idea to keep it looking clean and fresh. Using high-quality shower sealants is a simple way to refresh your shower area, especially if your...

Posted On February 25, 2021

Mistakes To Avoid When Remodeling a Bathroom

Bathroom remodeling stories are ripe with tales of woe. The two most common complaints are ‘my remodel project took way longer than planned’ and ‘the final cost is much more...

Posted On September 28, 2020

Dealing With Limescale in Any Apartment

Limescale is so common in many apartments worldwide. The main culprit is water hardness, which affects more than 80% of households in the USA alone. It’s caused by excessive calcium...

Posted On July 27, 2020


Glass is an elegant material that transforms any space, and the bathroom is no exception. A dull and boring bathroom is instantly remodeled with the addition of glass doors to...

Posted On July 22, 2020

How to clean bathroom tiles like a pro?

If you want to know how to clean bathroom tiles effectively, read carefully all the recommendations and natural remedies that we offer you in this post. Alternatively, look at installing shower...

Posted On July 02, 2020

Bathroom Renovation Tips From Mayfair Building Group, South Australia

Mayfair Building Group is an Australian Certified Contractor that offers unique bathroom renovation tips to their clients that have a positive impact on the end result. The South Australian government...

Posted On June 10, 2020

Top 5 Budget-friendly Bathroom Renovations Ideas

Every home surely has a bathroom, but as time goes on, some things in those bathrooms may be outdated, such as the Jacuzzi or probably you may want to change...

Posted On November 28, 2019

5 Considerable Things to Replace the Toilet

Can you imagine how human beings would be without finding an ingenious way to empty their bowels? For human beings to survive, we eat every day of our lives. If...

Posted On November 14, 2019

What’s on the Radar: Latest Bathroom Remodeling Trends

Having a fully functioning and beautiful bathroom is essential to both homeowners and business owners. It enhances the quality of life in a residence and improves the property’s value. Additionally,...