
Vastu For Flat: Tips To Enhance Your Living

Vastu for flat needs to be understood while designing or for enhancement of the surroundings. When selecting or leasing a flat in an apartment building, it’s important to evaluate specific Vastu aspects. Despite the misinterpretation that Vastu is solely appropriate for ground-level residences, its principles unfold to a flat as well. Vastu for flats is profoundly rooted in ancient architectural and religious texts, underscoring the interconnectedness between living spaces and the environment, irrespective of elevation. Ultimately, aligning with Vastu guides enhances the quality of life in your chosen apartment. Vastu brings integrity and ensures positive energy flow in the spaces.

Why Direction for Flat Is Important?

Vastu For Flat
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The orientation of a flat holds importance due to its alignment with the Earth’s magnetic field and the path of the sun. A flat facing east welcomes gentle, morning sunlight, which positively charms the ambience and occupants’ well-being. Contrarily, a west-facing flat may experience intense sunlight, leading to advanced temperatures and potential despair as the day progresses. Hence, the direction of the flat significantly impacts its livability and inhabitants’ experience.

Form of a House

Project By: Designloom Architects

Ideal Shapes: Square and rectangular houses are considered the most profitable in Vastu.

Assessment of Cuts and Extensions: Evaluate any cuts or extensions in the house design, regarding their directions.

Unlucky Directions: Cuts in the southwest and northeast are considered unfortunate, while extensions in all directions except the Northeast are negative.

Optimal Placement: If an extension is present in the northeast with a northeast entrance, it is considered optimistic and harmonious according to Vastu.

Yoni Numbers

In Vastu Shastra, directions are determined about a central point known as Brahmasthanam. This point is believed the “birthplace” or “origin” of the house, and each of the eight house positions surrounding it is assigned a Yoni number (Yoni No: 1 to 8). The Yoni number displays the position of the house relative to the Brahmasthanam, serving as a guide for orientation and alignment.

As designers, it’s necessary to consider the Earth’s rotation when creating residential spaces. Just as passengers in a vehicle feel more comfortable when moving in the direction of travel, residents experience greater comfort when their houses align with the Earth’s movement.

Therefore, when planning interior layouts, prioritize orientations along True East-West or North-South axes. This alignment not only enhances comfort but also fosters harmony with the Earth, contributing to a more balanced living environment for occupants. By pursuing this key rule of orientation, designers can create spaces that promote solace, well-being, and a deeper connection with the natural world for the inhabitants.

Various Rooms and Directions as per Vastu

Entrance Direction:

Vastu For Flat
Project By: Squares Design Studio

Assure the entrance to the flat faces a clear direction, commonly east or north, to invite positive energy flow.

Balconies and Windows:

Project By: Studio RKD

Optimize natural light and air circulation by placing balconies and windows in the east or north orientations.

Kitchen Placement:

Vastu For Flat
Project By: About the Space

Place the kitchen in the southeast corner of the flat, as per Vastu, to harness the fire feature energy and promote harmony in the household.


Southeast or Northwest Corner: Ideally, place the kitchen in the southeast or northwest corner of the flat to align with Vastu principles.

Avoid Northeast or Southwest Corners: Steer clear of locating the kitchen in the northeast or southwest corners, as per Vastu recommendations.

Entrance Consideration: Ensure the kitchen is not directly in front of the main entrance to the flat to prevent negative energy influx.

Cooking Direction

East or North-facing: Position the cooking area to face east or north for optimal Vastu compliance.

Avoid South or West-facing: Avoid cooking facing south or west directions to maintain positive energy flow.

Gas Stove Position

Southeast Corner: Place the gas stove in the southeast corner of the kitchen, with the cook facing east during cooking activities.


West or South Walls: Arrange storage for grains and other items on the west or south walls of the kitchen to align with Vastu principles.

Sink Placement

Northeast or North Direction: Position the sink in the northeast or north direction of the kitchen for Vastu compliance.

Avoid Adjacency with Stove: Ensure the sink and stove are not placed adjacent to each other to prevent clashes between fire and water elements, maintaining positive energy flow.

Bedroom Orientation:

Project By: Canwill Design Associates

Ideally, the master bedroom should be in the southwest corner to promote restful sleep and peace. Keep the flat clutter-free to allow the smooth flow of energy throughout the space, enhancing well-being.

Pooja room:

Vastu For Flat
Project By: Canwill Design Associates

Northeast Corner: The optimal placement for the pooja room is in the northeast corner of the flat, Ensure that when praying, the individual faces either the East or the North direction. Avoid locating the pooja room in the South.

Idol Placement – West or East: Position idols and images of Gods in the West or East directions, allowing the individual to face East or North while praying.

Image Selection – Avoid Images of the Dead: Refrain from placing pictures of deceased individuals, even close relatives, in the pooja room to maintain positive energy.

Maintenance and Cleanliness – Neat and Clutter-Free: Keep the pooja room clean, organized, and free from clutter at all times to enhance the sacred ambience.

Valuables and Trash Bins: Avoid storing valuables or placing trash bins/dustbins in the pooja room to preserve its sanctity.

Room Sizes and Heights:

Rooms in the northern part of the house should be slightly larger and lower than those in the southern part, by 6-9 inches and 1-3 inches respectively. Strive for an ideal room height of 12-14 feet.

Door Proportions and Orientation:

Ensure that the main door is larger than the inner doors and that all doors open facing the walls to maintain Vastu balance within the space.

Window Placement and Heights:

Position windows at least 3 feet above ground level and maintain uniformity in their heights from the top. Optimal window openings should be on the northern and eastern sides of the building to maximize natural light and airflow.

Placement of Mirrors:

Integrate mirrors thoughtfully to amplify natural light and positive energy within the space. Place mirrors to reflect light and positivity throughout the room, avoiding direct alignment with the entrance door or facing the bed.

Colours and Décor:

Project By: Reflective Practices

Calming colours and décor elements resonate and create a harmonious living environment.

Water Elements:

Locate water-related features like bathrooms and sinks in the northeast direction to enhance prosperity and abundance.

Study or Workspace:

Position the study or workspace in the northeast or east direction to promote focus, productivity, and scholarly growth.

Avoid Obstructions:

Avoid structural obstructions such as beams or pillars in the centre of the flat to prevent energy blockages and promote free movement.

Maintenance and Care:

Regular maintenance and upkeep of the flat are essential to uphold its Vastu integrity and ensure positive energy flow.

Plants and Greenery:

Blend indoor plants to elevate the environment of the flat and improve air quality. Choose auspicious plants such as money plants, holy basil (Tulsi), or peace lilies known for their air-purifying properties and positive energy promotion. Refrain from including thorny plants or bonsai trees indoors, as they may disturb harmony within the space.

Number Of Doors And Windows

In Vastu Shastra, the guidelines regarding the number of doors and windows remain uniform across diverse sizes of flats, whether it’s a 3BHK, 2BHK, or even a 10 BHK. It’s recommended to have an even number of doors and windows on every floor, such as 2, 4, 6, or 8, to promote balanced energy flow. However, it’s fundamental to avoid numbers ending with zero, like 10, 20, or 30, according to Vastu principles for apartments.

Furthermore, Vastu highlights not only the main door but the entire entrance area of the flat. Keeping this space clean, clutter-free, and well-lit is crucial to attracting positive energy into the home. Therefore, preserving cleanliness and pleasing lighting in the entryway contributes to a harmonious living environment according to Vastu.

Benefits of Vastu for Flats

Vastu For Flat
Project By: Uncut Design Lab

As designers, understanding the benefits of Vastu for flats informs your approach to creating harmonious living spaces.

Enhanced Energy Flow:

By aligning the layout and direction of flats with Vastu principles, designers can optimize energy flow throughout the space, promoting a purpose of balance and well-being for the occupants.

Improved Comfort and Well-being:

Vastu-compliant designs contribute to a comfortable and nurturing environment, fostering physical, mental, and emotional well-being for locals.

Promotion of Harmony:

Incorporating Vastu guidelines into flat designs promotes harmony between individuals and their surroundings, creating spaces that resonate positively with occupants.

Optimized Functionality:

Vastu principles emphasize efficient space utilization and strategic placement of elements, resulting in flats that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also functionally optimized for everyday living.

Positive Aura and Atmosphere:

Designing flats following Vastu principles enables a positive aura and atmosphere within the space, elevating the overall quality of life for residents.

Cultural Sensitivity:

Acknowledging and integrating Vastu principles into designs illustrates cultural sensitivity and respect for traditions, enhancing the relationship between occupants and their living environment.


Vastu for flat and Understanding the dynamics of the sun’s movements and the Earth’s magnetic field, Vastu Shastra offers principles that can transform any home into an optimal living space. Beyond room placement and furniture orientation, the structural layout of the flat plays a crucial role in creating an ideal dwelling according to Vastu for flat principles. Before finalizing, Explore a range of Vastu-compliant options, including East, West, South, and North-facing flats, as well as those with specific entrance orientations such as North-West (NW), North-East (NE), and South-East (SE). Whether you prioritize East Facing Flat Vastu or any other direction. If you’re seeking Vastu for a flat without the hassle of extensive research, do check out the guide which offers a convenient solution.

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