
pest control


pest control Projects

16 results

Posted On April 11, 2022

Pest Control Advice For Petaling Jaya Homeowners

If you’re a Petaling Jaya homeowner, you know that pests can be a huge problem. Cockroaches, rats, spiders – they can all make your life miserable. And if you’re not...

Posted On October 05, 2021

Silverfish Pest Control Melbourne – Home Remedies To Get Rid of Silverfish

Silverfish are insects that do not bite, but they can be very destructive to your belongings. It is very important to attack them at the source so that they do...

Posted On October 05, 2021

Consider These Things Before You Choose Residential Pest Control Brisbane

We all know the fact that having pests at home is never fun. Whether you see a line of ants in the kitchen or dealing with a termite problem, it...

Posted On October 05, 2021

When to Get Bird Pest Control in Sydney?

If your house is facing a pest infestation, then you are in big trouble. For example, rats are one of the most dangerous pests, and they can carry anything from...

Posted On May 21, 2021

8 Pest Control Tips In And Around Your Home

Pest control is fundamental when it comes to the comfort and safety of your family. Some of the most common pests in households include mosquitoes, rats, opossums, mice, mosquitoes, bedbugs,...

Posted On April 28, 2021

Important Considerations in Hiring a Pest Control Specialist in Selangor

You’d be surprised at how many pests you may be inviting into your home in Selangor without even knowing it. You can be relaxing and laughing off with your family...

Posted On April 23, 2021

Several Reasons To Hire Building and Pest Inspection Services In Sydney

For every property owner, pest infestations may be an annoyance as well as a health threat. If you want to live in a healthy environment, you should always employ professionals...

Posted On February 27, 2021

6 Things You Should Expect From Pest Control Service on Their Initial Visit

Did you notice some extra cockroaches or spiders crawling in the kitchen or bathroom at night? It means you have a serious pest problem and you need to take the...

Posted On February 24, 2021

4 Important Tips to Take Care of Insect Problem in the Summer

Insects are the most disturbing parts of the typically peaceful and full of enthusiasm summer. The season calls for sunny picnics, beach times, pleasant lazy afternoons, and just absolute fun....

Posted On January 11, 2021


You probably wouldn’t like to hear that your clean, energy-efficient, and comfortable house design could be a contributing factor to pest infestation in your house. You may have tried all...

Posted On September 28, 2020

Effective Pest Control in Homes

Pests are a common problem for many property owners and can cause great havoc when not detected early. They include a wide variety of insects and rodents like mice and...

Posted On July 25, 2020

Avoiding Ants: Simple Steps You Can Take for the Maximum Payoff

Ants are a scourge upon many modern homes. They’re even worse because there isn’t always an obvious reason for them. Of course, ants can occur if you have a dirty...

Posted On April 27, 2020

8 Ways To Keep Common Household Pests Out of Your House

From small animals like mice to snakes and insects, nuisance pests can cause big problems. They carry illnesses and diseases and some can cause structural damage. Whether you own or...

Posted On February 10, 2020

Why You Should Get a Pest Inspection Done Before Closing on a Property Sale

Much as you dislike them, it is close to impossible to keep your house completely free of pests. Rather than prospective buyers walking out of the deal at the last...

Posted On January 07, 2020

Five advantages of pest inspection

If you are buying a home, a pest inspection is critical as it is the only way to determine if such pests as termites exist. Of course, a termite inspection...

Posted On March 14, 2019

Keep Your Home Bug Free with These DIY Pest Control Methods

Bugs are one thing that you simply don’t want or need in your home. Whether you’re thinking about flies, wasps, cockroaches, or even mice; you can be certain that they...