


rugs Projects

10 results

Posted On April 13, 2024

20 Types of Rugs and its Significance in Indian Homes

Using different types of rugs to welcome your guests with warmth, luxury, and elegance will steal the show of your home. The exquisite functionality and design aesthetics of different rugs...

Posted On September 03, 2022

Decorating Your Home with Rugs

At some point, almost every homeowner is looking for creative ways to spruce up their home decor. While there are plenty of ideas you can choose to enhance the appearance...

Posted On January 03, 2022

How to Take Care of Jute Rugs

Jute is a vegetable fiber that’s similar to flax or hemp. It is usually used for making burlap or Hessian fabric and made into sacks. This material is also used...

Posted On November 16, 2021

Design Language Around Conspicuous Simplicity These Apartment Interiors Encompasses Kempt Spaces and Snug Beauty | U and I Designs

Marked by the beauty of soft, mellow tones, this home personifies pleasant. Designed for a family of 3 that includes a young teenage daughter, we riveted the design language around...

Posted On October 13, 2021

Three Types Of Mattresses To Avoid When Shopping At A Mattress Clearance Center

When you want to save money, and you feel that shopping at a clearance center is the answer, there are a few things that you should know beforehand. When you...

Posted On November 05, 2020

How To Transform Your Bedroom Into A Relaxing Space

The concept of transforming your bedroom into a relaxing space will not only improve the aesthetics of the area, but this can also help boost your health in the long...

Posted On October 21, 2019

Get the perfect quality mattresses and this is the way you get the best type of relaxation now

As you design your home, you need to buy the best things to the home. You need to get the best mattresses so that you can have a comfy sleep....

Posted On October 21, 2019

Role Of Mattress And Rugs In Our Daily Routine

We spend eight hours a day in bed. So it is extremely important to choose a mattress that is both pleasant for sleep and healthy for the back. The mattress...

Posted On August 24, 2019

Did you know that a blue rug can help you get a good night’s sleep?

“Well, that’s a funny question to ask.  How can a blue rug help anyone get a good night’s sleep?”  This is a natural question for you to ask.  The answers...

Posted On March 22, 2019

All weather rugs: All you need to know

Outdoor rugs aka all weather rugs are the latest favorite to use as décor in our exterior home spaces. They can be set in different areas outside — such as...