  • Installing LED pot lights to add style to your home

    Recessed lighting, also known as pot light, is available in various designs and trims to enhance your home’s interior. It showcases your sense of style effectively. Pot lights are available in multiple frame designs, both modern and vintage, which cater to various bulb designs that complement your decor.

    Why do we use recessed lights?

    Recessed lights are ideal for places with less overhead space; their functional features highlight the room’s specific characteristics and appear spacious. We can not flood the room entirely with recessed pot lights; instead, their strategic placement helps get the desired result.

    Types of recessed lights

    Recessed light fixtures recess into the ceiling, takes up minimal visual space but choosing the best style that complements your decor still makes your style statement. The recessed light fixture comprises cylindrical housing, bulb, trim.

    The trim is the visible feature of the pot lights, and trims are available in various trim designs for different lighting effects.

    Trim’s colour can have a significant impact on light output. Dark-coloured trims absorb light and reduce the amount of light wasted. The different trims are:

    Eyeball Trims:

    Eyeball trim cast wide angled light. Their range of motion is typically 30° tilt and 359° rotation.

    Pinhole Trims:

    This trim focuses light in a compact beam, which casts a spotlight effect on a dedicated surface.

    Baffle Trim:

    Reduce glare and flush with the ceiling.

    Reflector Trim:

    Reflector trim casts a diffused light by reflecting the light produced from diodes. There are several other trims with contemporary designs available specifically for each room.

    Surface Adjustable Trims

    They are also known as elbow, or scoop trims offer a maximum range of motion at 70° tilt and 359° rotation.

    Wall wash Trims

    They have an eyelid that eliminates the “scallop” design typically created when a light aims directly at a wall.

    LED pot lights

    Led pot lights are a preferable choice for homeowners as they are more efficient than their counterparts; despite the higher upfront cost, they have proven to be relatively cost-effective and have a longer life span. LED bulbs are very efficient as they do not flicker, and these diodes can produce light on the RGB spectrum with varying colour temperatures. They have less heat, so suitable for ceilings with no insulation, such as remodelled ceilings.

    Where can we use recessed lights?

    Know where to install these lights; every room calls for a different setup based on its layout. For example, a kitchen needs brighter and more focused light than a bedroom.

    Installing pot lights around the ceiling edges and layering it with pendants can help achieve an efficient lighting setup. Kitchens are mostly functional spaces; they require extra bright task-oriented lights, so overhead pot lights practically placed on countertops fill the area with light without cluttering it.

    Pot light features ambient lighting, accent lighting and spotlights. These lights are highly specific and have several technical specifications of important consideration during installation.

    The fixture placement is according to the fixture’s size and ceiling design. For example, the space between each institution is according to the size of the fixture. In this way, light is uniform and easy on the eyes.

    Nowadays, recessed light fixtures are available according to different specifications like retrofit models, IC rated kits, recessed fixtures for sloped ceiling, etc.

    This makes it easier for people to choose or alter the specification according to their choice.

    Recessed pot lights are adjustable with bulbs and trims that rotate and swivel. This is ideal for task and accent lighting. They blend with the ceiling, conceal the fixture direct, shape light, and provide a finishing effect.

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