  • Carefully Folded Glued Paper By Zahra Ammar.

    Carefully Folded Glued Paper By Zahra Ammar.

    Designer: Zahra Ammar.

    An artist makes these spiky pieces taking influence from the edge of the solar system, the Kuiper Belt. What do these abstract shapes look like to you?

    Designer: Zahra Ammar.

    Source: Bored Panda 

    50 Best Wall Moulding Design Inspirations For Your Interiors

    Wall Moulding Design is a great way to amp up your space and elevate the overall look of your home. There are a wide range of moulding designs that can add a distinct character to your space. Wall moulding design comes from different kinds of materials, such as PVC, plaster, wood, etc. The right choice […]

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  • The definitive guide to getting around Monaco

    Unique, bio-sculptural piece By Nightshade Studio.