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Museums play a pivotal role in society, serving as repositories of knowledge, cultural artefacts, and historical treasures. By safeguarding cultural treasures, museums ensure that diverse cultures, traditions, and identities are not lost to time. Museums serve as vibrant community spaces, offering opportunities for social interaction, creativity, and empowerment. India boasts a plethora of modern museums […]
The dome architecture planning of the auditorium complex in Coimbatore is purely based on location and function. It was the client who clearly stated that the building must not obstruct any vision either from outside the campus or from inside. Any other form other than a dome would have been catastrophic. Editor’s Note: “Designed by […]
In this exclusive interview, Ar. Siddharth Bathla, the founder of Design Factory India, shares his journey of exploring the niche of museum and experience design. Siddharth Bathla is an alumnus of IIT Kanpur, an architect, and an industrial designer from education. He is the Managing Director and Founder partner of Design Factory India. He is […]
Orange Tree, a lifestyle brand founded by Gaurav Jain in 2014, has become synonymous with innovation, sustainability, and minimalistic design. It has rapidly established itself as a leading name in contemporary furniture, lighting, and décor in interiors. Rooted in the legacy of Basant, a company established by Vinay Kumar in 1998, Orange Tree brings global […]
Le Corbusier Buildings are a revolution of modern architecture in India, due to his path-breaking works in Chandigarh and other cities. He was a Swiss-French architect, born on October 6, 1887, renowned for his minimal yet functional designs. Le Corbusier in the 20th century emerged in the field of architecture, urban planning, furniture design, writing, […]
London has a great variety of house types, and this article will focus on the city’s main styles. From the mews streets to the Georgian houses, every type of house has features that make it suitable for different individuals. This guide looks at some of London’s most common house styles, what makes them stand out, […]
How many Gandhi Museum are there in India? Each year on the October 2nd of Gandhi Jayanti, we celebrate and recall the Father of our Nation. Across & outside India, amazing rare archives of Gandhi’s writings, his teachings and philosophies, and more have been restored in different Gandhi museums. Several Gandhi museums and memorials have […]
World Tourism Day, celebrated every year on September 27th, emphasizes the importance and value of tourism and its development. Tourism contributes immensely to developing several sectors worldwide and fostering human connections and cooperation. With different countries hosting World Tourism Day each year, in 2024, Georgia, with its rich landscapes, hosts this significant day highlighting the […]
Yashobhoomi has been conceived as a smart, mixed-use urban development project with a convention centre to exhibit India’s growth and achievements to the world and contribute to the country’s GDP growth. Combining technology, innovation, and culture, the project aims to fulfil the need for a common interaction ground between Indian and international businesses, investors, and […]
Did you know about the India Pavilion at Osaka (Project) by Charles Correa? While many are familiar with his works, such as Kanchanjunga Apartments, Incremental Housing, and Kovalam Beach Resort, some of Charles Correa’s purest forms and ideologies remain unrealized and unbuilt. On September 1st, the 94th birthday anniversary of one of India’s greatest architects, […]