  • 8 Ways to Ensure Your Sewer Systems Works Properly

    Does your sewer system require repairs frequently?

    Problems with a plumbing system raise immediate concerns as it is core to the working of a home. More so, if it’s related to the sewer part of the system.

    For a house to run efficiently and hygienically, its plumbing system must not fail to remove the wastewater generated daily. If not, the people of the house will fall sick.

    In a nutshell, plumbing has two parts—a water supply line and a sewer line. If either of these lines falls, your entire house will come to a pause. So, as the homeowner, it’s your responsibility to ensure everything works properly.

    Most people do not consider this, but having some maintenance guidelines in place for your sewer system can be rather helpful. It lessens the visits from your plumber in Geelong, saves money on those repairs, and at the end of the day, you will have a well-oiled plumbing system.

    So, spare some time to read this article until the end to understand what maintenance your sewer system expects from you. there is an 8 Ways to Ensure Your Sewer Systems Works Properly

    1. Keep Food Away From Kitchen Drains

    Truth be told, it annoys many professionals to see their clients throwing all kinds of food waste down their kitchen drains. It creates serious blocks that are tough to clear with simple home-kept tools. They require assistance from blocked drain plumbers in Geelong.

    So, in simple words, a much-needed tip for keeping your sewer lines in good condition is to refrain from dumping food scrap into your drains. Food is heavier than any other waste, which makes it difficult to pass through the sewer pipelines.

    Small crumbs or particles are okay, but anything bigger than a grain of rice should not be allowed into the drains. Some examples of prohibited food waste:

    • Stringy or fibrous foods
    • Oils, fats, and grease.
    • Eggshells
    • Coffee grounds
    • Starchy foods

    2. Use One-Ply Toilet Tissues

    Many people prefer extra thick toilet paper over one-ply because it doesn’t dissolve immediately when wet. However, they can get stuck in the sewer lines. So, it is advisable to use one-ply toilet paper.

    These tissues are affordable and less likely to clog your pipes. If you are against buying one-ply toilet paper, you could try two-ply but look for the tag “sewer safe.”

    In fact, some Australian cities and municipalities have specific guidelines around what types of toilet tissue you can flush down the toilet and may require using products with “sewer safe” labels.

    This one habit could save you many visits from a plumber in Geelong.

    3. Set Toilets to High-Volume Flush

    There are low-flush and high-flush toilets. In most cases, low-flush toilets may work fine. However, we recommend you prefer high-volume flush when your plumbing system has identified low areas such as bellies or sags.

    The low areas usually slow the movement of waste in the pipeline, and thus, a high-flush toilet is preferable. It pushes the waste out of the system with greater force.

    So first, schedule a sewer line camera inspection by Geelong’s expert plumber and confirm if there are any such low areas. It should make your decision clearer and easier.

    4. Maintain Your Tree Roots

    A house with beautiful landscaping is a dream for many people. However, very few understand the maintenance it demands afterwards. The first danger of having large trees in your yard is their roots invading your sewer lines.

    Tree roots are drawn to moisture, and the closest source they can find underground is your sewer pipes. If such large roots intrude into your plumbing, your pipes get clogged, creating a huge mess.

    So, what you can do is hire a professional plumber at least once a year to clear the sewer lines. But if you haven’t started your landscaping project, you should understand what trees are less likely to damage your sewer system and go for them.

    5. Proper Disposal of Non-Food Materials

    Proper disposal of non-food materials is also essential to maintaining a well-functioning sewer system. Many people are unaware that you should not flush items, such as dental floss, rubber bands, diapers, and feminine hygiene products, down the toilet. These materials can clog pipes and cause backups in the sewage system.

    Also, you should dispose of hazardous waste properly, such as chemicals and batteries, as these can harm to the environment and the sewer system.

    To avoid clogs and backups:

    • You should dispose of non-food items in the trash.
    • Use a drain strainer in sinks and showers to catch hair and other debris.

    By properly disposing of non-food materials, you can help maintain a healthy and functioning sewer system.

    6. Maintain the Septic Tank

    Maintaining your septic tank is important to ensure it functions properly and doesn’t cause any problems. It is a broad concept in itself, but here are some tips to help you maintain your septic tank.

    1. Pump your septic tank regularly: The frequency of pumping will depend on the size of the tank and the number of people in your household. Typically, it’s recommended to pump every 3-5 years.
    1. Avoid flushing non-biodegradable items: Don’t flush anything that the system can’t break down, such as feminine hygiene products, diapers, or wipes.
    1. Use septic-safe products: Use only septic-safe cleaners and avoid using bleach or other harsh chemicals that can kill the bacteria in the tank.
    1. Inspect the system regularly: Have a professional inspect the system regularly to identify any potential problems before they become major issues.
    1. Protect the drain field: Avoid driving or parking vehicles on the drain field and avoid planting trees or other vegetation near the system.

    7. Try Bacteria Additives

    Here’s a fun fact: Some bacteria are essential to naturally break down waste in your septic tank.

    In short, an entire ecosystem is living inside your septic tank, which is important for your tank to work well. So, to improve it all, you can try bacteria additives. Bacteria additives help break down solids in the tank and aid in the natural decomposition process, reducing the risk of clogs and backups.

    When selecting a bacteria additive, it is important to choose one specifically designed for septic systems and safe for the environment. Then follow the instructions carefully and add the recommended amount of bacteria regularly to keep your tank functioning properly.

    Final Thoughts

    With all these tips, we are sure your sewer system will be in a better condition than before. However, consistency is key here. You should care for the system at regular intervals to get better results.

    In all this, a good plumbing professional is also crucial. If you are in search of one, check out Your Local Plumbing. They offer one of the best plumbing services in Geelong, so do give them a chance.

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