  • What is Indian Vernacular Architecture? | Interview with Ar. Himanshu Patel | TADPod

    In this interview with Ar. Himanshu Patel, shares his journey, passion for contextual design, and admiration for Indian Vernacular Architecture.

    Himanshu Patel’s practice in Indian vernacular architecture draws deeply from his childhood spent in a village. At Studio D6thD, he actively promotes economic and ecological design solutions by utilizing locally available materials and traditional building techniques. His work across various regions of Gujarat showcases his commitment to Indian vernacular architecture. He has widely lectured and conducted workshops on this subject at numerous colleges and universities in India. His work and philosophy have garnered significant media attention across print, news, and digital platforms. Over the past decade, he has won various national awards.

    Excerpts from the interview with Ar. Himanshu Patel

    1. Every person experiences a certain situation which leads him to pursue a certain career. What was that point in your life when you decided that architecture was what you wanted to pursue as your career?

    Ar. Himanshu Patel: I initially never planned on becoming an architect. In fact, my passion for nature and animals once led me to consider a career in animal rescue, even dreaming of working with the Discovery Channel. However, as time passed, I eventually realized that this was more of a hobby than a true career path. After completing my 12th grade, I began exploring professional options and, somewhat unexpectedly, found my way into architecture.

    Project: Gir Vihar, Gujarat

    2. Architecture is a dynamic field and there are numerous styles of architecture one can choose. Considering all the types of style of architecture, how and why did you choose vernacular architecture to be your style of design?

    Ar. Himanshu Patel: In college, I felt uncertain about the direction of my practice. Although I was curious about global architectural trends and often questioned why certain architects pursued specific styles, I wasn’t sure of my own path. This confusion led me to ask many questions—sometimes to the annoyance of my professors. Since I wasn’t a top student, it took me six years to graduate due to setbacks. However, my foundation in architecture remained solid. Over time, through exploration and questioning, I gained clarity and eventually discovered my true passion for architecture. Today, I realize that if I hadn’t become an architect, I might never have found my true calling.

    3. How did the CM Fellowship program help you in shaping you as an architect and as an individual?

    Ar. Himanshu Patel: After doing conventional practices, I realized they weren’t for me, so I took a break. During that time, I couldn’t just sit idle, and when a fellowship program opportunity arose, I decided to explore it. I had no clear direction, just a desire to explore and figure things out along the way. This is something I notice in many students today—they often wonder, “What should I do?” But I’ve learned that you can’t make decisions just by thinking. You have to start doing and keep trying different things.

    I’ve tried various jobs, including telecommunication, and through this exploration, I discovered what I truly want to do. The fellowship program, in particular, taught me a lot about the ground realities, especially the challenges of executing projects in a large democracy like India. I learned that many things remain on paper and don’t translate into action on the ground. This experience also made me realize that I don’t fit well within the government system, so I haven’t taken on any government projects since. However, the experience was invaluable—it broadened my perspective and deepened my understanding of the importance of every role in the system.

    Project: Aaranya, Bhojde village, Gujarat

    4. How did you choose to practice Indian vernacular architecture in this very modern and rapid contemporary world?

    Ar. Himanshu Patel: First of all, I don’t see vernacular architecture as just a style—it’s an attitude toward life. For me, it’s rooted in common sense, which is key to understanding it. Indian vernacular architecture is about being local and contextual. Indian architecture has always been contextual, and I believe it should continue that way. My practice isn’t just about preserving the past; it’s about integrating personal, social, cultural, and economic needs with the current context. Vernacular architecture offers solutions that align with this approach, and to me, using ‘common sense’ in this way feels right.

    5. Inspiration is a dominant factor which drives the design towards the goal and inspiration can be drawn from anything around us. So, would you tell me about your hobbies or interests which help you draw inspiration for your unique style of designs?

    Ar. Himanshu Patel: The process in my practice isn’t strictly defined. My inspiration comes from villages, where I spent much of my childhood. Observing how villagers build their own homes without architects fascinated me. They focus on using cheap, locally available materials and practical solutions, like sloped roofs for water drainage, often overlooking aesthetics. This simple common sense-driven approach impressed me deeply.

    I struggled to define and articulate these insights, but eventually, after my graduation, I understood their mentality. I began learning from villagers by visiting and asking questions about construction, discovering valuable lessons. This experience made me realize that my practice, though it may seem unconventional, is actually grounded in straightforward principles. The honesty and simplicity I learned from villagers have become central to my work.

    6. Considering the pace at which modernism is taking over the world and people wanting everything within a quick span of time, how do you convince your clients to opt for a vernacular style of architecture in this modern era?

    Ar. Himanshu Patel: I think it’s important to understand the difference between art and architecture. While some architects might dream of designing buildings like monuments, I see our role more as problem solvers. When clients come to us, they usually have specific needs, and a big one is keeping costs down.

    I focus on creating economical designs by keeping things simple and cost-effective. When explaining my ideas to clients, it’s important to be confident and believe in your approach completely. If you’re clear and sure about your design, explaining it becomes much easier. My clients usually come to me because of my expertise in that specific region, so I stick to what I do best. I also make sure to have the freedom to implement the design in the best way possible, while still addressing their needs. This balance is key to successful projects.

    7. A company logo and studio name act as a major aspect which results in attracting the client base and it’s a symbol for what your studio stands for. The logo and the studio name for yours, is quite unique. Could you share the story behind the same?

    Ar. Himanshu Patel: Whenever we had no work, we would sit at tea stalls and think about our studio’s name, but once a project came in, we’d focus solely on that. I never gave much thought to the name, as my focus was always on the work itself. Over time, I realized that my practice revolves around happiness—whether it’s for the client, myself, or anyone involved. I ensure everyone, from craftsmen to clients, is happy during a project, making the process enjoyable.

    We created a logo during the 3D hype, but I wanted to go beyond dimensions, imagining a 6th Dimension that measures happiness. That’s how our studio name came about—it wasn’t premeditated but evolved naturally. The logo is a snail because, despite being tiny and often overlooked, it’s focused on its goal. Our practice is similar—slow, steady, and focused. Plus, snails in cartoons are always portrayed as happy, which aligns with our core value.

    Project: Udan Crematorium, Amalsad Town, Gujarat

    8. A sense of satisfaction is required when we put our heart and mind to any work we do. This sense of satisfaction is subjective and depends on every person and the situation. How do you find a sense of fulfillment and purpose in your work as an architect, beyond just the completion of projects?

    Ar. Himanshu Patel: For me, the community and the client are the same. When someone comes to me with a problem, it’s my responsibility to find a solution. I focus on the journey, not the end result, because no one knows what the outcome will be—not me, not the client. That’s where the fun lies. If I knew the outcome from the start, the project would lose its excitement and become difficult to work on for a long time. The unknown keeps me engaged, allowing for creativity and changes throughout the process. That freedom is essential and enjoyable. 

    9. Finding the right agencies to collaborate with can be challenging and critical to the success of a project. How do you select agencies that align with your vision, and how has this collaboration influenced your projects?

    Ar. Himanshu Patel: There are two key issues here. First, while the lack of skilled labor is a fact, our profession has also stopped fostering those skills. In the rush to meet client demands quickly, craftsmanship has suffered. Urban buildings today often show poor workmanship—gaps in mortar, uneven plastering—because workers know their mistakes will be hidden later. This lack of visible quality leads to a lack of pride in their work.

    The solution is to involve workers in the design process, making them feel valued and excited about what they’re creating. When workers take pride in their work, they become more skilled. In my projects, I always seek input from the workers, and I’ve seen how proud they are when they create something meaningful—they even share photos with their families. This pride is missing in our field, and it’s crucial to bring it back.

    Project: Tribhuvana Office, Ahmedabad

    As architects, we need to move beyond mundane designs and work collaboratively with craftsmen. It’s also on us to be hands-on, understanding the challenges workers face. I learned this by doing masonry work myself, which gave me insight into the practical difficulties. If we become more skillful, our workers will naturally follow suit.

    10. Vernacular architecture evokes feelings which are quite personal and we are taken to our yesteryears when we experience such a structure. Could you share one of the experiences you have had while working on one of the projects which evoked a sense of nostalgia within you?

    Ar. Himanshu Patel: Absolutely. Everything I do is influenced by my childhood and past experiences. But rather than dwelling on nostalgia, I carry it forward in my work. The designs in my studio reflect the simple drawings we made as children. That’s why I say there’s nothing unique about my practice—it’s easy and simple. Simplicity comes when you’re honest with your work, without trying to impress anyone or chase uniqueness. Just work with what you have around you.

    11. As an experienced architect, what message or advice would you like to impart to young architects who are just beginning their journey in Indian Vernacular architecture field?

    Ar. Himanshu Patel: It’s a burning question. We need to first understand that this profession isn’t just about making money or surviving—it’s about the power to change lives. With that power comes responsibility, and that means working hard. If we grasp this, many other challenges become manageable. However, the problem is that we often expect to earn a lot of money from this profession, which is possible but not easy, especially at the beginning. But that shouldn’t be the goal if you truly want to pursue architecture. 


    In this interview, Ar. Himanshu Patel shares his journey and commitment to vernacular architecture, deeply influenced by his upbringing in a village. Through Studio D6thD, he emphasizes the importance of using local materials and traditional techniques to create sustainable, cost-effective designs that resonate with the cultural and environmental context.

    Ar. Himanshu Patel’s work goes beyond mere architecture; it’s about making meaningful contributions to communities and preserving the wisdom of the past. His approach serves as a reminder that true innovation lies in simplicity and that architects have a responsibility to create spaces that genuinely reflect the needs and spirit of the people they serve. His journey is an inspiration for aspiring architects, highlighting the importance of staying true to one’s values and roots in a rapidly changing world.

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