
Urban Gardening-How great would it be if you eat fresh vegetables from your own Terrace garden?

Urban Gardening-How great would it be if you eat fresh vegetables from your own Terrace garden?

Terrace gardens have become an Add-on feature with the space requirements for a Residence these days adding to its Economic factor.

urban gardening


How great would it be if you eat fresh vegetables from your own Terrace garden?

Have your own plate of salad ready from your residence? Terrace gardens have become the next boom that has got a tremendous response from the user group and builders have got a Healthy reason to have them in their schemes – Cash Bank (Green Leaves = Green money). The concept has become so mandatory these days that be it a Doctor, businessman, Software Engineer or any other client wants a huge terrace garden in their residence.

Not only it adds to your Aesthetic view but also it has Organic content as to you can easily grow basic vegetables like Tomatoes, Brinjal, leafy vegetables and much more. Some make it purely a flower based garden but more conscious people make proper utilisation of their garden and make it a miniature version of FARM – their own Urban Farm. Residences, Coffee shops, restaurants, offices have all got terrace gardens with huge variation in their scales and varied quality. Be it your kitchen waste or garden dust, you can use them in your Organic garden and produce fresh veggies! You can have your bed tea, morning breakfast; vent out your anger, rejuvenate your mood in your urban garden.

Urban Gardening


Rooftop gardens, hydroponics, and container gardening are examples of how urban gardening have adapted to these new conditions. In addition, communities are working together to share the sparse open space that exists in cities to create community gardens that provide extra food and add beauty to their neighbourhoods.


In today’s compact cities, having an open terrace of your own and that too equipped with lush green leafy plants make a tremendous mark on our City Trend and also satisfies our psychological need to be in those kinds of spaces. Terrace gardens with a neat lawn to varied pot sizes and types of cultivation can be seen nowadays. Containers of all sizes, shapes, whether of plastic, ceramic, metal or mud can be used. If you are an environment buff, you just need to use your imagination! Your coke bottles, take away plastic boxes, old sacks, coconut shells, old broken buckets, your dented kitchen pots and pans, just about everything can be recycled and used as containers. So, in a way it is also a green process because with the garden you are adding to the green content of the city at a small scale and the material used for it is also recyclable. The 3R content – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle = Produce!


In addition to its Edible advantage, Terrace gardens have more good points like Convenience of safe, pesticide-free, healthy green and fresh vegetables like you are Conducive to a routine of physical exercise, clean air and close to nature , it Increases amount of oxygen in air, Reduces overall heat absorption of buildings, Insulates the building against heat and cold, Reduces sound pollution, Acts as a habitat for city-weary birds and animals, Reduces indoor temperature by 6- 8 degree and can reduce air conditioning cost by 25% to 50%. Landscape architects, garden planners, and small-scale urban gardeners are at your help to develop these kinds of spaces and more of it even your “maali bhaiya” can guide you.


The need of green spaces with an increase in urban congestion is resolved with this kind of initiatives and it is more user-friendly and more private space of your own. You don’t need to walk to kilometres to access such green spaces neither have to worry about not making up to these spaces because of your office timings. You can get into your terrace garden at any time any mood.


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