
1550 sq.ft


1550 sq.ft Projects

4 results

Posted On August 16, 2024

This Home Transforms From a 3 BHK to a 2 Bedroom Apartment | Studio Neeraj Nijampurkar

This project showcases the innovative transformation of a 3-bedroom house into a 2 bedroom apartment, embracing a minimalistic design philosophy. The focus is on creating a serene living environment through...

Posted On April 19, 2024

A Vision For A Beautiful Home Design That Exudes An Ethereal Charm | SPACESTRY

From the outset, the clients articulated a vision for a beautiful home design that exudes an ethereal charm yet remains firmly rooted in a sense of practicality and warmth. Fresh,...

Posted On December 27, 2023

Luxury interior design seeps into this home in Pune | VGA Designers

Experience the warmth of luxury materials while enjoying the convenience and comfort of modern furnishings. Luxury interior design and decoration are crafted for Arabic sitting rooms. Discover the perfect blend...

Posted On April 14, 2023

“House of Hues” Is A Contemporary Home With Pop Colours And Chic Design | P & T Design Studio

The space is a 1550 sq.ft apartment in one of the Iconic Towers in Lower Parel, Mumbai. “House of Hues” is a contemporary home with pop colours and chic design...