
TADstories with Mahesh, Siddharth, Shivam and Sheenal Patel | Shraddha Architects

Shraddha Architects was incepted 38 years ago by Mahesh Patel with a vision to integrate spaces with the nature and staying minimalistic in their approach.

Shraddha Architects led by Mahesh Patel, Siddharth Patel, Shivam Patel and Sheenal Patel is an architecture firm in the city of Vadodara. The firm creates designs in strong connection with context and climate.

sharddha architects

What is the story of your passion for architecture? 

Our passion for architecture began when we used to fascinate how the way buildings shape our lives. We loved exploring different structures and imagining how they were built. We realized that architecture isn’t just about construction; it’s about creating spaces where people feel connected and inspired. This understanding drove us to pursue architecture as a career, so we could combine creativity with the chance to make a lasting impact on the world around us.

What pushed you to commence your own architecture studio?

We started our own architecture studio because we wanted the freedom to bring our design vision to life. Working for other firms, we had great ideas but limited creative control and also wanted to work directly with clients, understand their needs, and create spaces that truly reflect their personalities and requirements. This move also let us take on projects we were genuinely passionate about, making work feel less like a job and more like a fulfilling journey.

architecture by Shraddha Architects

Journey of the Design Process!

Could you write in short about the philosophy you go with when designing a certain project?

When designing a project, we focus on creating spaces that are functional, adaptable, and visually appealing. We aim to understand the users’ needs and prioritize sustainability. Our goal is to design environments that improve everyday life and promote a sense of harmony.

facade design by Shraddha Architects

What is the inspiration behind your concept developments and design ideations?

Our inspiration behind developing concepts is the nature around us and how we can built around it keeping the environment and the context in mind to achieve aesthetics with functionality.

With years of learning and practice in architecture, how did you evolve your design language?

We evolved our design language by integrating modern technology with timeless principles. Initially, we focused on functionality, but as we gained experience, we started to blend sustainability and adaptability into our designs. Now, our style balances beauty with practicality, reflecting our commitment to creating spaces that are both innovative and enduring.

residence architecture

What values do you prioritize in your life and how do they reflect in your way of work?

We prioritize integrity, creativity, and empathy in our life. In our work, this means being honest with clients, pushing the boundaries of design, and always considering how our projects impact people. These values guide our approach to architecture, ensuring that our work is both innovative and people-centered.

Sneak peek into the projects by Shraddha Architects

Looking back at all the design projects you’ve worked on, which is the project that has made an impact on you?

The project that has made a significant impact on us is the Shreekunj Residence at Anand. Its harmonious blend of earthy tones, minimalist aesthetics, and thoughtful planning perfectly embodies our design philosophy of integrating beauty with functionality.

residential interior by Shraddha Architects

Considering the quick paced lifestyle of today, how do you use technology to deal with the project challenges?

We use technology to tackle project challenges by using software that enhances design and speeds up decision-making. With 3D modeling, we can visualize projects and make real-time changes, reducing errors and delays. This tech-driven approach ensures smoother workflows and better communication with clients and teams.

office interior by Shraddha Architects

Could you share the story of a project which has truly challenged you go beyond your conventional style of approach?

A significant challenge in the Shreekunj Bungalows project was the client’s requirement for lush greenery on all four sides of the bungalow. Meeting this demand while ensuring functional layout required careful planning and strategic design choices. Additionally, we placed the service area in the center of the bungalow to optimize accessibility and ensure seamless connectivity to all other spaces. This positioning facilitated practical and efficient daily operations, but it also added complexity to the design. This project made us rethink our methods and adapt to new techniques, ultimately broadening our design perspective.

How do you think your projects can make a change in the way people perceive built spaces?

We design projects that prioritize comfort, adaptability, and aesthetics, making architecture feel more personal. By focusing on flexible layouts and cozy interiors, we create spaces that can easily adapt to different lifestyles. The goal is to make built spaces not just functional, but also beautiful and inviting, changing how people view architect’s role in everyday life.

Beyond Design

Apart from architecture, which are other hobbies that inspire you to keep going?

Other hobbies that inspire us to keep going is sketching, playing sports and staying healthy to keep us and our mind healthy and travelling to explore different types work which happens around the world.

What impact has the journey of architecture had on you personally?

The journey of architecture has deepened our appreciation for creativity and collaboration. It’s taught us that great design comes from listening and understanding different perspectives.

Looking ahead in future, what are some of the commitments to yourself to help you grow as an individual?

We commit to life long learning and staying curious, exploring new design trends and technologies. We also plan to focus on personal well-being and maintaining a healthy work-life balance to stay energized and inspired.

Beyond professional achievements, what personal legacy do you hope reaches the masses and can make an impact on their lives?

We want our legacy to be about creating spaces that bring people together and inspire them. If our work encourages community, fosters connection, and sparks creativity, then I know we have made a lasting impact.

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