
TADstories with Ar.Anup Murdia and Ar.Sandeep Jain | Design Inc.

Ar. Anup Murdia and Ar. Sandeep Jain, the founders of Design Inc. share their journey of embarking architecture with the passion for understanding spaces.

Design Inc. is an architectural firm situated in Udaipur, founded by Ar. Anup Murdia and Ar. Sandeep Jain in 2011. The firm believes in creating spaces with overall understanding of certainties and uncertainties expected by users with clean details.

What is the story of your passion for architecture?

Driven by a fascination with how spaces shape lives, embarked on a journey to understand the art and science of building design. The prospect of leaving a tangible legacy, combining aesthetics with functionality, fueled our passion. With each blueprint and structure, we sought to capture the essence of human expression, transforming visions into tangible realities that enrich lives and communities. All such happenings did motivate us to pursue architecture.

What pushed you to commence your own architecture studio?

Freedom of creation. We launched our own architecture practice, Design Inc., driven by a desire for creative autonomy, a vision to realize unique design concepts, and a passion for shaping spaces that inspire. Fueled by a commitment to innovation and client collaboration, we embarked on this journey to craft meaningful architectural solutions.

Design Inc Architecture

Journey of Design Process.

Could you write in short about the philosophy you go with when designing a certain project?

We believe in creating spaces, considering certainties and un-certainties expected by users regarding utilization, environment and maintenance. We work on designing the elements line, shape, size and space in accordance with principles of design. Thereby, contributing to appropriate proportion, pattern and hierarchy. We provide design solutions with a minimalist approach synchronized with clean details and contextual design.

What is the inspiration behind your concept developments and design ideations?

Concept development and design often stem from a blend of intuition, experience, research, and creativity. While seemingly irrational at times, it’s the fusion of divergent ideas and unconventional thinking that sparks innovation. Inspiration may arise from personal experiences, cultural influences, nature, technology, or even dreams. Embracing ambiguity and allowing ideas to evolve without constraints can lead to breakthroughs that defy logic yet resonate profoundly with audiences. Thereby, shaping the future of design and creativity. So basically it’s an amalgamation of all such variables.

Living room design

With years of learning and practice in architecture, how did you evolve your design language?

We try to evolve design language through following measures:

1. Embracing user feedback to understand needs.

2. Exploring new technologies for innovative solutions.

3. Simplifying complex elements for clarity.

4. Balancing tradition with modernity for timeless appeal.

5. Collaborating across disciplines to gain fresh perspectives.

6. Iterating constantly to refine and adapt to changing contexts.

7. Striving for coherence while allowing for evolution.

Living and Dining

What values do you prioritize in your life and how do they reflect in your way of work?

Honesty and sincerity towards work.

Sneak Peek Into Projects Done By Design Inc.

Looking back at all the design projects you’ve worked on, which is the project that has made an impact on you?

The Concrete Concert and Chordia House.

Bedroom interior

Considering the quick paced lifestyle of today, how do you use technology to deal with the project challenges?

In architecture practice, technology revolutionizes design, visualization, and collaboration. Computer-aided design (CAD) software enables precise drafting and modeling. Building Information Modeling (BIM) streamlines project coordination and lifecycle management. Virtual and augmented reality enhance client presentations and design reviews.

Could you share the story of a project which has truly challenged you go beyond your conventional style of approach?

Somehow , practically , we try to make different approach for every project. In terms of challenge, its mainly like a jig saw puzzle, which adds to our interest in solving, which on the contrast has more than one solution.

Lounge interior

How do you think your projects can make a change in the way people perceive built spaces?

Projects can change the way people perceive built spaces in various ways. For example, innovative architecture can redefine traditional notions of aesthetics and functionality, while urban development projects can transform neglected areas into vibrant community hubs, altering perceptions of safety and desirability. Additionally, projects focused on sustainability can raise awareness about environmental issues and inspire people to see built spaces as interconnected with nature.

Beyond Design!

Apart from architecture, which are other hobbies that inspire you to keep going?

Artifacts’ design, sketching , music, and mental health grooming.

Bedroom interior

What impact has the journey of architecture had on you personally?

Every city, space, environment feels like a distinct space, whose designer seem to be Mother Nature, prompting to be in love with everything around.

Looking ahead in future, what are some of the commitments to yourself to help you grow as an individual?

Commitments to personal growth are vital for ongoing development. Here are some potential commitments which seem important to us: Continuous learning, self-reflection, physical health, mental health, setting goals, stepping out of comfort zone, building relationships, giving back, adaptability, gratitude practice.

Interior design by Design Inc

Beyond professional achievements, what personal legacy do you hope reaches the masses and can make an impact on their lives?

We strive to leave a legacy of positivity and hope, inspiring others to live authentically, pursue their passions, and make a positive impact in the world. Whether through acts of kindness, advocacy for social justice, or simply being a source of encouragement and support to those around me. We hope to leave a lasting impression that resonates with people from all walks of life and inspire them to create positive change in their own communities and beyond.

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