
Indian Colour Palette: Unveiling the Spirit of a Diverse Culture

Indian colour palette refers to the rich and diverse artistic expressions experienced through the spectrum of vibrant colours. The inspiration of various forms is found in the country of diverse landscapes, terrain, ocean and the magnificence of mother nature. The variety and vibrancy of Indian culture resonate in the vivid and dynamic visual experiences that these Indian colour palette combinations often nourish. In India, imperial rule and invasions shaped the cultural and artistic landscape, especially the Indian colour palette. The Mughals, Portuguese, Dutch, French, and British, among others, contributed their artistic traditions, architectural inspirations, and colour preferences to India, resulting in a synthesis of Indian and foreign sensibilities. Diverse geographical locations and cultural situations influence the vast array of colours in Indian apparel, architecture, and festivals.

Timeless Hues of India’s Heritage

Image Credits: Wallpaper Cave

A rich cultural heritage and varied colour palette create historical significance in old Indian buildings. The choice of colours in Indian Architecture is aesthetic and ingrained in unintentional colour psychology. Here are some examples of tones observed in Indian heritage. The rich heritage of old Indian buildings in palaces or temples resembles the colour palette and its connection to the spiritual land and culture. They always evoke feelings and give a sense of cultural significance for both residents and tourists.

1. Earthy Tones

Ancient Indian architecture used earth tones like ochre, terracotta, and sandy beige. These hues evoke feelings of the earth and the natural world, forging a bond with the natural world and inspiring feelings of cosiness, solidity, and agelessness.

Indian Colour Palette
Image Credits: Fine Art America

2. Vibrant Reds and Oranges

Indian architecture is renowned for its vivid reds and oranges, particularly in regions like Rajasthan. It represents joy, vigor, and success.

3. Local Cultural Significance

Indian architecture integrates traditional customs, traditions, and religious beliefs into the mosaic of colours. For instance, Kerala, a state in the south of India, has many structures coated with a particular crimson called “ochre” because of its connection to Hindu religious rituals.

Indian Colour Palette
Image Credits: Wikimedia Commons

4. Whites and Off-Whites

The use of white, off-white, and cream hues evokes simplicity, spirituality, and purity. They are perfect for temples, ashrams, and other spiritual locations for connection to purity and cleanliness.

5. Cool Blues and Greens

With calming hues and a connection between nature and water, a colour scheme of cool blues and greens evokes peace and tranquillity.

Indian Colour Palette
Image Credits: Flickr

Colours of the Earth, Sky, and Sea: Architectural Brilliance Across Topographies

Natural environments and geography often determine the colour palette of architecture and streets. Different landscapes, such as coastlines, rugged terrain, tropical regions, and hill stations, constantly inspire unique colour selections to harmonise with the environment. These are broad generalisations, regional differences, cultural influences, and architectural styles that have an impact on the Indian colour palette. The use of natural, locally derived materials in environmentally friendly designs also contributes to the mix of topography and natural materials.

Architecture of Coastal Regions

Indian Colour Palette
Image Credits: Rough Guides
  • Sandy Beige: The colour of beach sand.
  • Aqua Blues and Greens: Colours inspired by the ocean.
  • Whites: Used on coastal structures to reflect sunshine and keep a fresh appearance.
  • Coral and pastel colours: Inspired by aquatic life.
Indian Colour Palette
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The closeness to the sea, tropical weather, and regional cultural traditions impact the architecture of India’s coastal provinces. Teak and other hardwoods are used for coastal buildings, as they are resistant to moisture and bugs. Bamboo, an ecological building material and locally available in coastal locations enhances traditional and vernacular architecture. Thatch roofs, made from dried palm leaves or native vegetation, are common in coastal areas due to their climate-appropriate properties and natural insulation. Coastal architecture aspires to balance aesthetically pleasing materials and colours with environmental challenges like humidity and salt exposure, while also preserving the natural beauty of the coastal area.

Architecture of Desert Areas

Image Credits: Pexels
  • Warm Terracottas: The colour of desert soil reminisced.
  • Sunset Hues: Oranges, pinks, and purples inspired by desert sunsets.
  • Neutral greys: Act as a contrast to the warm tones.
Indian Colour Palette
Jaisalmer Cit (Image Credits:

Rajasthan known for its vivid colours, elaborate patterns, and use of locally accessible materials reflects the region’s severe climate, cultural legacy, and historical influences. Beautiful pink, yellow, and red sandstone from the state is well known and is widely used in buildings. One well-known example of a sandstone building is the famous Hawa Mahal in Jaipur. White marble is a common material for floors, elaborate carvings, and ornamental pieces. The Dilwara Temples at Mount Abu renowned for their marble architecture stands as an example of Rajasthani workmanship. Rajasthan’s architecture comprehends the rich colours and materials, aesthetically inviting and functional, reflecting the region’s cultural diversity and historical magnificence, showcasing its architectural legacy.

Architecture of Mountainous Regions

Image Credits: HP Tourism
  • Cool greys and blues represent the mountain rocks and sky in the mountains.
  • Forest deep Greens: A colour that resembles highland vegetation.
  • A Shade of Browns: Reflecting the soil and natural components
  • Frosty Whites: Found mostly in alpine areas.
Indian Colour Palette
Image Credits: Architect Suri and Associates

Himachal Pradesh’s mountainous ranges’ architecture reflects its rich cultural heritage and climatic influences. It blends modern elements with traditional design, featuring distinctive vernacular temples and monasteries with Pagoda-style roofs, wooden sculptures, and vibrant frescoes. Due to the region’s close connection to the environment and cultural heritage, its architecture has a unique style. Himachal Pradesh’s extensive forests make wood, pine, deodar, stone, adobe and mud popular building materials. Due to their strength, resilience, and heat insulation, these materials are suitable for local environments. The state’s distinctive architectural landscape combines traditional aesthetics with environmental considerations, resulting in an aesthetically appealing blend of traditional and vernacular construction.

Architecture of Tropical regions

Indian Colour Palette
Image Credits: National Geographic
  • Dense Greens: The colourful tropical vegetation reflects in the lush greens.
  • Luminous Florals: Designs inspired by vibrant tropical flowers.
  • Earthy Browns: For a more natural, grounded look.
Image Credits: 7th Hue Architecture Studio

India’s tropical regions have warm, humid climates with high rainfall and natural ventilation, affecting architecture. Materials and colours enhance comfort, provide weather protection, and blend with the tropical environment. Corrosion-resistant metals like stainless steel and aluminium are used for doors and windows in coastal tropical regions. Tropical architecture aims to create livable environments, showcasing the natural beauty and local materials.

Architecture of Hill Stations

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  • Gentle blues, pinks, and greens inspired by the tranquil scenery.
  • Misty Greys and Whites: Represents the fog and mist common in hill stations.
  • Soil-like browns: Adding to the natural surroundings.
  • Wooden Techniques: The incorporation of wood into architecture.
Image Credits: Phylosophy Design Studio

In India, hill stations and highlands with lower temperatures often have unique building designs and colour schemes. The surrounding landscape, the necessity for insulation, and the local climate influence the architectural designs. India’s hill station architecture celebrates the beauty of the natural surroundings while offering comfort in colder climates. In these picturesque settings, the combination of natural materials and a subdued colour scheme delivers a warm and peaceful ambience.


The Indian colour palette is a rich and diverse representation of the country’s culture, traditions, and natural surroundings. It includes colours like saffron, deep red, turmeric yellow, royal blue, forest green, and crimson. The complexity of preferences and sensitivity of the user evolve into the guideline for the designers in achieving harmonious spaces through understanding the colour palette in design. The strategic use of various colours and combinations of them builds a balance in the design. But it’s important to comprehend the myriad of colours and their importance in design because we spend so much time in our homes, and the ambience we create there has a huge influence on our everyday mood and lifestyle. It also impacts individuals who come into our dwelling—it can be a place of welcome or a place that is cold or chaotic. What does your home say about you?

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