  • TOP recommendations for sleeping with a pet

    If you’ve been working hard and are tired at the end of the day, a good night’s sleep is the best way to rest. Sleep is like recharging your body. Everyone should get the right number of hours of sleep, and a good night’s sleep is especially important. You can also sleep without a pillow. 

    It is said that an adult needs eight hours of sleep each night. Also, people don’t have to sleep in a bed. You may be surprised by this, but sleeping in a hammock and even on the floor is also beneficial.

    Is it okay to sleep with your dog? Probably half of the people who have a dog at home often sleep with their pet just because it’s more comfortable and enjoyable to sleep that way. That’s why you’ll want to spend the night with your little four-legged friend. 

    For those who still choose to sleep with a pet, a great option would be a daybed mattress. Dog owners who don’t suffer from coat allergies or asthma can try to rest the night with their pets by their side. You probably didn’t even realize how beneficial sleeping with your dog is.

    For more information on why sleeping with your pet is beneficial, check out the list below:

    1. A dog gives you a sense of security

    You feel safer with a pet by your side. In other words, having a pet gives you a sense of security. As you know, animal instinct is very strong. Your dog will bark if something dangerous happens to warn you about it. Sleep more soundly next to your dog. Your four-legged companion can also keep you company when your partner isn’t around, sparing you the paranoid feeling of loneliness.

    2. Gives you warmth

    Cuddling your dog while you sleep is good for you, as it gives you a great feeling of warmth. Pets, and especially dogs, have a higher body temperature than humans. Dogs usually allow themselves to be cuddled, showing how much they love their owner, and you can get warmth from your dog. This feeling of warmth usually promotes healthy and sound sleep.

    3. An emotional connection is created

    When you go to bed with your dog, you are likely to pet your pet before you go to sleep. The owner looks into the dog’s eyes and the dog looks back at you. This simple action can have a significant positive effect on the psyche.

    Science magazine published the opinion of animal behaviour expert Takefumi Kikusui from Azabu University in Japan. Kikusui claims that when a person looks at a dog, his or her oxytocin levels go up. This hormone is responsible for forming emotional bonds and creating feelings of trust. That is, a closer relationship is formed between you and your dog.

    4. Uplifting

    Sleeping with your dog is good for your mood. When you and your pet have a close, trusting relationship and you pet your four-legged friend before you fall asleep, your body’s levels of happy hormones increase. These hormones include serotonin, prolactin and oxytocin. These hormones give you a feeling of happiness and joy and lift your mood.

    5. Get rid of insomnia

    If you suffer from insomnia at night, you can try sleeping with your dog. Having a pet by your side will help you relax. A sniffling dog next to you will give you a cozy feeling. This way you can fall asleep faster and sleep through the night, and you have your dog to thank for that. With a pet, you will forget about bad sleep. 

    6. Lowers blood pressure levels

    A huge amount of research has shown that pets, including dogs, can lower your blood pressure. This is because a dog reduces stress levels, which affects blood pressure. A study found that people’s blood pressure drops by 10 per cent after 15 to 30 minutes with a dog. It turns out that interactions with dogs can be much more beneficial than interactions with people.

    7. Relieves depression.

    You can sleep with your dog by your side, as well as pet it, and it helps to reduce the stress hormone that is responsible for the onset of depression. Interacting with your dog can help you heal from depression. If you feel that you are starting to get depressed, or are already depressed, you can try sleeping with a four-legged companion to get rid of this problem. This helps cure depression and will make you feel carefree again.

    8. Promotes heart health

    You must know that your dog has the power to soothe you. This is what happens when you sleep next to your pet. A dog helps lower your blood pressure while relieving stress, which normalizes your heart. Since high blood pressure puts extra stress on the circulatory organs, the calming effect of a dog keeps the heart-healthy.

    What you need to know before sleeping with your dog

    To only benefit from sleeping next to your four-legged friend, consider the following guidelines:

    • Make sure you are not allergic to dog hair.
    • Make sure you don’t have asthma.
    • Ensure your dog’s hygiene by bathing him regularly.
    • Take your dog to the vet regularly.
    • Get your dog vaccinated regularly.

    If all of the above is taken into account, you have no reason to worry. Since sleeping with your dog does you so much good, you should try spending the night with your four-legged friend by your side. Experience the benefits of sleeping with your beloved dog and remember that you can sleep like this and get enough sleep every night!

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