
10 Things To Consider While Finding Land to Build a House

10 Things To Consider While Finding Land to Build a House

Foot of the building is ‘land’ and the building would be more robust if the foot is stronger. Finding an appropriate land may seem a tedious task but it plays a crucial role for the formation of a building. This is a platform we are providing you to give nurturance for searching the most appropriate land considering all factors which are necessary.

Before a start of any project, we should be well aware of its aim in a similar manner we should be well aware of how much land we need and what of the kind it should be. We may dream of lucrative land which is beside a waterfall, has benediction of sun and where a cool breeze is truncating all worries but we should consider all the facets also.



How shall I start?

Using Google Maps and even Street view is a huge boost to the armoury of the would-be self-builder looking for plots. You’ll be able to identify gaps in the street scene, small bungalows on large bits of land, and potential backland plots, all of which are ripe for redevelopment.


How big land you want?

At the start of your search, you need to familiarise yourself with the area, and gather as much information on it as possible. Even if you are looking in your own neighbourhood, you may be surprised by what you find out with a little research.

To be effective, you need to focus in on selected towns, villages or suburbs. If you pick too large an area at the start, your resources will be spread too thinly.


Whom should I contact?

One should contact to property agents or look for auction sales. One also contact to estate agents, landowners and networking, advertising in local press etc. Planning agents and architect can also provide you an aid for searching a plot.


What else could I do?

There are websites which navigate you for finding best plot at the cheapest rate. One can also place its facets before applying for finding an appropriate plot for itself.


How much money I want to spend?

Financial planning is significant and there should be an upper limit being set for the same. It would provide assistance to person or website who is searching best plot within stipulated budget.


What to look for when plot hunting?

When you are out scouting an area, you can train yourself to spot opportunities. Once you start thinking like this, stopping and walking through a village while you are on holiday will never be the same again — potential building plots loom up on every road. These are some of the clues that you should look for:


Large gaps between and behind houses. It is usually easier to get planning approval for development in between, or next to, existing houses. If there is space beside a house, and especially if it has easy access to the road, it is a potential plot. If there is a big back garden, and access for vehicles to get to it down the side of the house, it may be possible to build at the bottom of it.


Narrow gaps that are not overlooked. Sometimes sites that are apparently too narrow can be used to squeeze in a small house, provided that the access or windows of the houses either side are not affected.


Look for houses of a similar size and quality to the one you wish to build. The way that houses are valued means that it is less economic to develop a house that is massively disproportionate to those surrounding it. You can end up over-developing, that is spending far more money on a house than you could ever sell it for; or under-developing, that is building too small a house and failing to realise the full potential of the site.


Vehicle access. Whatever land you find, unless it is near a city or town centre, will have to have parking space, so there must be a way of reaching it by car.


Disused land and brownfield sites. These are very easy to miss. It takes a lot of imagination to see a petrol-filling station, a telephone exchange, a disused industrial unit, or a scrapyard as the site for a beautiful home, but they all could be, subject to planning approval.


Site assembly. If you see a number of gardens that are too small for a house, but together could be big enough, take a leaf from the professional developer’s book and consider assembling your own site. It needs tact, patience, and a bit of business acumen, but it has been done — particularly when the homeowners realise that a small bit of their garden can earn them some money.


How to view for a plot?

When you find a plot, you then need to view it to check it suits your needs. Knowing what to look for in a plot is essential.

It is not just a case of it being in the right location, but accessibility, size, and provision of services are very important factors too.



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