
3750 Sq.ft


3750 Sq.ft Projects

4 results

Posted On June 14, 2024

This Mid Century Modern House in Vadodara Is A Minimalist Space | JNM Space Creators LLP

The theme of this mid-century modern house was combined with Scandinavian style to create a space with a minimalist aesthetic but a strong focus on functionality. This Residential interior project...

Posted On June 19, 2023

This Weekend House Offers A Perfect Getaway From Its Bustling City | Architecture_Interspace

“Architecture Interspace has stroked a haven where every crook is in its prime earthy state. The house is a definitive word that nature is the best art one can choose...

Posted On June 02, 2023

Remnants Of The Colonial Era Are Reflected In The Architectural Style, Gable-Tiled Roof, Antique Furniture, And Curios In The House | Studio 4A

“The effect of natural light can decide the temperament of not only a resident, but the space itself too. Wide openings invite the bright rays of sun inside while the...

Posted On May 06, 2023

The Amalgam Of Contemporary Elements With A Touch Of Indian Form | Studio Synergy

When designing the interior’s of ‘The Indian Modern House’ the aesthetic narrative follows the amalgam of contemporary elements with a touch of Indian form. This juxtaposition, taken from facades and...