
3500 Sq.ft


3500 Sq.ft Projects

30 results

Posted On September 05, 2024

This Bangalore House is a Shared Spaces for Humans and Animals Alike | ma+rs

The Bangalore house is planned on a typical 60’ x 90’ parcel of land located in the northern peri-urban extents of Devanahalli. Designed for a family of four along with...

Posted On July 17, 2024

This Chennai house and Studio is for a Textile and Mixed Media Artist Couple | Fictional Project

This Chennai house and studio is designed for an artist couple who work with mixed media & textiles, respectively. “Tiered Realm” draws on the visualization of ‘home’ not just as...

Posted On June 07, 2024

A Minimalist Aesthetic Where Nordic Design Blends With Wood And Brick | Studio Archaic

The entrance represents a minimalist aesthetic where the starkness of Nordic design blends with organic wood panels and brick feature walls. The exterior feature wall uses a blend of geometrical...

Posted On May 27, 2024

The Process of Design is a Gradual Outcome | Less is MORE-Architects & Interior Designers

The thought process of design starts on day 1, after we visit our site. It is a process of design practice where the project has a gradual outcome. 20 year-old...