
IGBC Certification: Tool Kit for Architects on Green Projects

IGBC Certification is evolving in large-scale architecture projects to minimize the negative impact on the environment. Each sqft to sqyd is associated with a magical commercial number. IGBC Certification urges to address national priorities like energy efficiency, water efficiency, reduction in fossil fuels, waste management, and conservation of national resources.

Under IGBC certification, the New Green Building Rating System enables architects to apply measurable green concepts and techniques. Despite concerns about the suitability of green building rating systems in India, focusing on sustainable development in design and operation remains crucial.

Adopting a green approach to architectural planning and design is essential to reduce environmental impact and mitigate sick building syndrome. As a result, please find a simplified summary of the IGBC certification process and the seven key sustainability criteria for your projects. This toolkit also features IGBC (Indian Green Building Council) credentials, fee structure, and certification process.

Levels of Rating

Each criterion contains mandatory and credit-based requirements that increase a project’s certification level and recognition. The different levels of rating are awarded based on the points earned. Furthermore, every new green building project should meet mandatory requirements. The following outlines the criteria for levels of rating:

Levels of Rating
Picture Credit: Author

Seven Criteria Checklist for IGBC Certification

Seven Criteria Checklist for IGBC Certification
Picture Credit: Author

1. Sustainable Architecture and Design (SA): 5%

A plot of land with herbs, shrubs, and other living organisms is integral to our ecosystem. To ensure site preservation and integrated design, this particular criterion consists of three credit requirements. They are:

Owner-Occupied BuildingTenant-Occupied Building
Sustainable Architecture and Design (SA)55
SA Credit 1Integrated Design Approach11
SA Credit 2 Site Preservation22
SA Credit 3Passive Architecture22
Table Credit: IGBC

Certification Compliance Requirements:

  • Ensure that the project involves team members from multi-disciplinary fields and at least document three of the meetings.
  • Demonstrate that the project partially preserves one of the site features like waterbodies, rock, contour, and others.
  • Adopt passive design measures using a measurable simulation approach.

2. Site Selection and Planning (SSP): 14%

When selecting a site for infrastructure development, it is a high priority to promote sustainability. This criterion focuses on reducing the site’s ecological footprint and optimizing the building to seamlessly blend with the environment. The requirements are:

Owner-Occupied BuildingTenant-Occupied Building
Site Selection and Planning (SSP)1414
SSP Mandatory 1Local Building RegulationsRR
SSP Mandatory 2 Soil Erosion ControlRR
SSP Credit 1Basic Amenities11
SSP Credit 2Proximity to Public Transport 11
SSP Credit 3Low-emitting Vehicles11
SSP Credit 4Natural Topography or Vegetation22
SSP Credit 5Preservation or Transplantation of Trees11
SSP Credit 6Heat Island Reduction, Non-roof 22
SSP Credit 7Heat Island Reduction, Roof22
SSP Credit 8Outdoor Light Pollution Reduction11
SSP Credit 9Universal Design11
SSP Credit 10Basic Facilities for Construction Workforce11
SSP Credit 11 Green Building Guidelines11
Table Credit: IGBC

Certification Compliance Requirements:

  • Execute approved site/building plans for construction.
  • Submit an environmental clearance certificate if the built-up area is >20,000 sqm.
  • Take soil erosion measures before, during, and after construction.

3. Water Conservation (WC): 18%

The trend of water resources has shifted from being abundant and free to costing around 20 INR per liter. Climate change and extensive deforestation have caused reduced rainfall in most parts of India. To mitigate the impact on potable water consumption and recharge the groundwater table, it is essential to implement water conservation measures. Water conservation requirements include:

Owner-Occupied BuildingTenant-Occupied Building
Water Conservation(WC)1819
WC Mandatory Requirement 1Rainwater Harvesting, Roof & Non-roofRR
WC Mandatory Requirement 2Water-Efficient Plumbing FixturesRR
WC Credit 1Landscape Design22
WC Credit 2Management of Irrigation Systems11
WC Credit 3Rainwater Harvesting, Roof & Non-roof44
WC Credit 4Water Efficient Plumbing Fixtures 55
WC Credit 5Wastewater Treatment and Reuse55
WC Credit 6Water Metering12
Table Credit: IGBC

Certification Compliance Requirements:

  • Design a rainwater harvesting system to capture at least ‘one-day rainfall’.
  • Use efficient water-efficient plumbing fixtures that meet baseline criteria.

4. Energy Efficiency (EE): 28%

Energy consumption is an essential element in development. To reduce the overall energy consumption and increase on-site energy generation, here are the requirements:

Owner-Occupied BuildingTenant-Occupied Building
Energy Efficiency(EE)2830
EE Mandatory Requirement 1  Ozone Depleting SubstancesRR
EE Mandatory Requirement 2Minimum Energy EfficiencyRR
EE Mandatory Requirement 3Commissioning Plan for Building Equipment & SystemsRR
EE Credit 1Eco-friendly Refrigerants11
EE Credit 2Enhanced Energy Efficiency1515
EE Credit 3On-site Renewable Energy68
EE Credit 4Off-site Renewable Energy22
EE Credit 5Commissioning, Post-installation of Equipment & Systems22
EE Credit 6Energy Metering and Management22
Table Credit: IGBC

Certification Compliance Requirements:

  • Encourage the use of eco-friendly refrigerants and halons in the building’s HVAC system.
  • Design the building according to ECBC guidelines or ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010 (Whole Building Simulation).
  • Ensure all the building equipment and systems are in place to achieve high performance.

5. Building Materials & Resources (BMR): 16%

Green buildings are optimized with efficient segregation of domestic and hazardous wastes. It also features on-site waste treatment for reuse. The material selection includes local availability, reducing transport emissions, and durable and recyclable potential.

Owner-Occupied BuildingTenant-Occupied Building
Building Materials & Resources (BMR)1616
BMR Mandatory Requirement 1Segregation of Waste, Post-OccupancyRR
BMR Credit 1Sustainable Building Materials88
BMR Credit 2Organic Waste Management, Post-occupancy22
BMR Credit 3Handling of Waste Materials During Construction11
BMR Credit 4Use of Certified Green Building Materials, Products, and Equipment55
Table Credit: IGBC

Certification Compliance Requirements:

  • Provide dry and waste bins within the facility.
  • Segregate hazardous waste in a separate bin.
  • Reduce building materials associated with negative environmental impact.
  • Install an on-site waste treatment setup to treat maximum kitchen waste.
  • Demonstrate 75% of reused or recycled construction waste instead of landfilling.
  • Ensure that the project uses approved products of CII.

6. Indoor Environmental Quality(IEQ): 12%

This criteria consists of 12 points for owner-occupied buildings and 9 points for tenant-occupied buildings, out of a total of 100 points. There are 10 conditions derived under IEQ, including 2 mandatory requirements and 8 additional IEQ credits. The overall requirements are:

Owner-Occupied BuildingTenant-Occupied Building
Indoor Environmental Quality(IEQ)129
IEQ Mandatory Requirement 1Minimum Fresh Air VentilationRR
IEQ Mandatory Requirement 2Tobacco Smoke Control RR
IEQ Credit 1CO2 Monitoring11
IEQ Credit 2Daylighting22
IEQ Credit 3Outdoor Views11
IEQ Credit 4Minimise Indoor and Outdoor Pollutants11
IEQ Credit 5Low-emitting Materials33
IEQ Credit 6Occupant Well-being Facilities 1
IEQ Credit 7Indoor Air Quality Testing, After Construction and Before Occupancy2
IEQ Credit 8Indoor Air Quality Management, During Construction11
Table Credit: IGBC

Certification Compliance Requirements:

  • Demonstrate that all regularly occupied spaces achieve minimum ventilation rates according to ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010 for fresh air ventilation.
  • Provide operable windows or doors to the exteriors in all regularly occupied spaces.
  • Demonstrate that smoking is prohibited in the project by regulations set by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India.
  • Demonstrate that designated outdoor smoking areas are 7.6 m from non-smoking areas.
  • Install CO2 sensors in return air ducts to ensure the CO2 level difference in regularly occupied areas does not exceed 530 ppm.
  • Simulate daylight conditions on Sep. 21 at noon to ensure 75% of regularly occupied spaces achieve 110 to 2200 lux illuminance levels.
  • Ensure at least 75% of frequently occupied spaces have a direct line of sight to vision glazing 0.9m to 2.1m high.
  • Develop and implement an IEQ management plan following the ‘During Construction IAQ Management Guidelines’ from NBC Part 7.

7. Innovation and Development: 7%

The environment provides everything that human beings need. Creativity should be redefined to encompass the creation of new and innovative ideas. However, true innovation requires rigorous research and methodical approaches to ensure that new developments are scientifically meaningful. It is important to acknowledge that such efforts and their successful implementation deserve recognition. Here are the optional credits for innovation in architecture:

Owner-Occupied BuildingTenant-Occupied Building
Innovation and Development(ID)77
ID Credit 1Innovation in the Design Process 44
ID Credit 2Optimization in Structural Design 11
ID Credit 3Waste Water Reuse, During Construction 11
ID Credit 4IGBC Accredited Professional 11
Table Credit: IGBC

Certification Compliance Requirements:

  • Show how the design process will document the intended innovation to validate its integration and application.

How to Become An IGBC Accredited Professional

The Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) encourages architects and other eligible graduates to practice in green building projects. Under IGBC credentials, you can find four different recognitions based on work experience, qualification, and levels of examination.

How to Become An IGBC Accredited Professional
Picture Credit: Author

To become an IGBC-recognized green professional, carefully note down the following points:

a) IGBC AP-Professional:

Any professionals who have worked in the building sector for at least two years qualify to take this exam. If eligible, apply for the IGBC AP Exam. Click here to learn more about the examination.

b) IGBC AP-Associates-Students:

  • Should have undergone an IGBC certification course online.
  • Students or young professionals who have worked in the building sector for less than two years.
  • If eligible, apply for the IGBC AP Associate Exam. Click here to learn more about the examination.

c) IGBC AF for Faculty:

All faculty members who have worked in the academic institution for at least two years qualify to take this exam. If eligible, apply for the IGBC AF-Faculty Exam. Click here to learn more about the examination.

d) IGBC CP for LCA Buildings:

  • Enroll in the IGBC Certification Course.
  • If you’re interested in working on life cycle assessments for green projects, register for the examination as part of the course. Click here to learn more about the examination.

Fees Structure:

IGBC charges different members to register and start the certification process, based on the membership category. The certification fee varies based on the square meter of the project. Parking area is not counted in the overall built-up area.

Registration Fees(INR):

Membership CategoryFee(INR)
IGBC Founding Member25,000
IGBC Annual Member25,000
Table credit: IGBC

Pre-certification Fee(INR):

Membership CategoryBase FeeAdditional fee for Projects with multiple buildings including common basements
20k sq.m & below>20k to 50k sq.m>50k sq.m & aboveFor each additional building with a built-up area of 5,001 sqm and above
Flat Fee Flat Fee Flat FeeFlat Fee
IGBC Founding Member2,00,0002,50,0003,00,00050,0000
IGBC Annual Member2,25,0002,75,0003,25,00050,000
Table credit: IGBC

Certification Fee(INR):

Membership CategoryBase FeeAdditional fee for Projects with multiple buildings including common basements
<=5k sqm5k to 20k sqm>20k to 50k sq.m>=50k sq.mFor each additional building with a built-up area of 5,001 sqm and above
Flat Fee Based on sq.mBased on sq.mFlat Fee Flat Fee
IGBC Founding Member1,80,0002,15,000 + 11.25 per additional sq.m4,25,000 + 11.25 per additional sq.m8,25,00050,000
IGBC Annual Member1,90,0002,30,000 + 11.50 per additional sq.m4,40,000 + 11.25 per additional sq.m8,40,00050,000
Non-Member2,00,0002,40,000 + 11.50 per additional sq.m 4,50,000 + 11.25 per additional sq.m8,50,00050,000
Table credit: IGBC

Choose a Project Category:

IGBC-recognized professionals can begin working on green building projects. However, every architect should carefully categorize their project and understand the appropriate criteria and compliance requirements. The IGBC categories are:

a) IGBC Residential

IGBC Green Residential
IGBC Green HomesIGBC Affordable HousingIGBC Green Residential SocietiesIGBC Nest
Table credit: IGBC

b) IGBC Green Commercial:

IGBC Green Commercial
IGBC Green New BuildingsIGBC Green Existing BuildingsIGBC Green InteriorsIGBC Green Healthcare
IGBC Health & Well-beingIGBC Green Service BuildingsIGBC Green Resorts
Table credit: IGBC

c) IGBC Green Industrial:

IGBC Green Industrial
IGBC Green Factory BuildingsIGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses
Table credit: IGBC

d) IGBC Green Built Environment:

IGBC Green Built Environment
IGBC Green TownshipsIGBC Green CitiesIGBC Green Existing CitiesIGBC Green Hill Habitat
IGBC Green Mass Rapid Transit SystemIGBC Green Existing Mass Rapid Transit SystemIGBC Green Railway StationsIGBC Green High-Speed Rail
IGBC Green LandscapesIGBC Green Villages
Table credit: IGBC

e) IGBC Net Zero

IGBC Net Zero
IGBC Net Zero Energy BuildingsIGBC Net Zero Water BuildingsIGBC Net Zero Waste Rating SystemIGBC Net Zero Carbon Guidelines

f) Other Typologies:

Other Typologies
IGBC Green SchoolsIGBC Green CampusIGBC Green Place of Worship

Steps to Achieve IGBC Certification

To accomplish this, the project owners should submit all the necessary documents and details to satisfy mandatory and credit requirements. The project submission requires the following:

  • Project Brief
  • General Drawings in the prescribed format
  • Filled-in Templates
  • Narratives and Supporting Documents

The above-mentioned requirements are assessed in the preliminary and final phases.

Steps to Achieve IGBC Certification
Picture credit: Author

To conclude, should IGBC certification be the benchmark for sustainable green building projects in India? Complying with IGBC certification not only reduces the negative impact on the environment but also improves occupant comfort. This also reduces sick-building syndrome conditions and promotes health and well-being.

Having an IGBC certification and rating system as a tool should not limit the architectural and contextual design thought process of an architect. This checklist should enhance the aim of an architect beyond meeting the minimum criteria.

Content Writing And Research By: Ar. Baarat Krishna

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