Construction sites are one of the most dangerous workplaces, and most construction workers are continually exposed to hazards each time they go to work. However, we will discuss the most common construction site hazards and how to avoid them.
Each workplace must have a safety program in place to act as a guide for new and existing employees and visitors that may visit the site. Based on the survey conducted by the OSHA, caught-in hazards, electrocution, struck-by hazards, and falls are the leading causes of death of employees in the private and public sectors.
Each year records deaths of employees and these aforementioned factors are known to be the major causes of the ugly situation. In any part of the world, being a worker on the construction site has been considered one of the most risky jobs and it is unfortunate that you can even get injured despite your carefulness.
Other factors that can cause accidents on the construction site are collapses of trenches, scaffolds, falls from heights, repetitive motion, electric shock, flashes, and lack or improper use of the personal protective equipment and gears.
These are some of the most Common Hazards on Construction Sites
Scaffolding Hazards
When scaffolds are not properly erected, there is likelihood that someone will be injured on the site. More than 8,000 persons get injured due to falls from scaffolds, and the report from OSHA confirmed that proper setting up of scaffolds and use of corrective measures can prevent about 60 fatalities and 4,500 injuries over a year.
Fall Hazards
Out of the factors that cause hazards on construction sites, fall hazards hold the record as the largest contributor. Falls may be triggered by lack or improper use of protection equipment and uneven work surfaces, and clusters.
Ladders and Stairway Hazards
Each year, there are records of ladders and stairway hazards on construction sites. These hazards are related to trips and fall on the construction sites, and can also be prevented. You can use self-dumping hoppers to pick scraps from your work site.
Trenching Hazards
When there is a collapse of trenches on the construction sites, injuries and fatalities are likely to happen. There is a need to take care of the trenches to avoid getting injured.
Crane Hazards
Cranes are one of the most important tools used on construction sites, and they require constant inspections and evaluation to ensure there are no records of severe accident cases. In most cases, construction workers get injured due to an overhead load in the swing radius of the crane.
Hazard Communication
Lack of communication can cause hazards on construction sites. Some of these hazards include explosions, fires, chemicals, and respiratory issues, etc. Based on a survey by the OSHA, more than 95,000 forklift operators get injured annually, and there are over 100 cases of fatal accidents on the site each year.
Head Injury Hazards
It is imperative and must be made compulsory that every worker must wear hard hat to the constructive site. Severe head injuries can be caused when a hard object hits you suddenly, and it is better to protect your head with a hard hat always when you are within the construction area.
Personal protective equipment must be worn by all employees irrespective of their hierarchy in the company. Visitors who want to see the level of work that has been done should also wear full personal protective equipment to ensure their safety on the site. It is crucial to use safety glasses to protect the eyes and the face.
Every construction site management should compel the workers to wear slip-resistant and safety boots that are highly resistant to punctures. Safety gloves must be worn to protect the hands if the case requires.
Construction sites work with different equipment and chemicals that could cause harm to the workers. It is important to handle chemicals with utmost caution and inform your co-workers about the dangers of each chemical on site. Tell them about the risks of exposing themselves to the chemicals without protection, and train them on how to use the Safety Data Sheets (SDS). Ensure a proper installation of cleanup kits close to the chemical areas and generate spill control plans, and offer training sessions for the team workers to know how to cleanup and store the chemicals in a safe way.
Make sure you switch off the power and attach grounds for electrical circuits before you start working on a project. Ensure all damaged electrical cords and cables are quickly replaced, and avoid circumventing protective systems whenever you are using electricity. It is also important to keep away ladders and scaffolds from power lines and avoid using several plug adapters while you are on site. This will ensure electrical safety for you and other people working with you on the construction site.
It is critical to maintain a safe working environment for the workers and visitors on the construction site. When we adhere strictly to the safety guidelines, we ensure the safety of everyone and another tool for preventing hazards on the site is the self-dumping hopper. It is used to move items and scraps that could cause obstruction in the construction areas. If you want to maintain a clean, cluster-free, and safe workplace, you need to consider the use of a self-dumping hopper on your construction site.
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