  • A Complete Guide To Maintaining Commercial Building Decks

    If there’s one thing that often gets overlooked but is super crucial for your commercial property, it is deck maintenance. 

    As someone who has been in the commercial property inspection and balcony inspection service industry for years, I can tell you that a well-maintained deck saves you money in the long run. Not to mention the aesthetic appeal of decks in tip top shape.  

    But how do you maintain the deck in the first place?

    Well, that’s exactly what I’ve explained here. 

    So, grab your coffee and let’s dive deep into how exactly you can maintain your commercial building deck. 

    Why should you bother with deck maintenance?

    First things first, why is it important for you to care about deck maintenance. 

    For starters, regular upkeep can extend your deck’s life by up to 15 years. 

    Now, that’s quite a long period, isn’t it?

    Furthermore, it keeps your property looking sharp and professional. After all, no one wants to do business in a place with a shabby, worn-out deck.

    What is the process of maintaining your deck? 

    Complicated as it might seem at first, maintaining your deck is actually simple. Here’s a detailed step-by-step process to maintain commercial decks:

    1. It starts with a deck inspection 

    You can kick things off with an annual deck and balcony inspection. Think of it as a yearly check-up for your deck. 

    The idea is simple: You want to catch any issues before they turn into big and expensive problems. 

    Here’s what you should look out for during a commercial deck inspection: 

    • Weathering and moisture damage
    • General wear and tear
    • Any separation of the ledger board 
    • Rusted or loose fasteners
    • Wood rot
    • Signs of insect infestation
    • Any boards that are bowing or sagging

    If you spot any of these issues, make a note and address them on priority. 

    2. Clean the deck (it’s more than aesthetics) 

    Next up comes cleaning. And its importance is more than just aesthetics. 

    You see, regular cleaning not only makes your deck look great but also helps prevent mold and mildew growth. This, in turn, will ensure the overall building is well-kept and can even help business valuation services value your commercial property higher in total. 

    Here’s how you can go about regular deck cleaning: 

    1. Clear the deck of all furniture and planters

    2. Sweep thoroughly

    3. Use an appropriate cleaner 

    4. Scrub gently with the right brush

    5. Rinse thoroughly

    6. Let it dry for at least 48 hours

    Talking about that cleaner, if you’ve got a wood deck, a simple mixture of dish soap and water will do the trick. 

    For composite decking, at the same time, you can stick to cleaners approved by the manufacturer. 

    Pro tip: Avoid cleaning in direct sunlight as the cleaner can dry too quickly and leave a residue.

    3. Replace damaged boards 

    If the deck inspection throws up any damaged boards, it’s about time you hire concrete restoration contractors among other and should replace them. And while this can be quite a task, it’s better to do it sooner rather than later. 

    Damaged boards are a safety hazard and can lead to more extensive damage if you leave it unchecked.

    Now, when it comes to replacing boards, make sure you use the same type of material as the rest of your deck. Also, if you’re replacing more than a few boards, you might want to consider resurfacing the entire deck.

    4. Ensure fasteners and hardware are in place 

    This is something that often gets overlooked. But you should always remember that fasteners and hardware are what keep your deck together.

    So, do check all the screws, bolts, and nails to make sure they’re tight and not rusted. And if you find any fasteners that are loose or showing signs of rust, replace them pronto.

    5. Double check the sealing 

    If you’ve got a wood deck, sealing is your best protection against the elements. That’s because it helps protect the wood from moisture and UV damage. 

    As such, aim to seal your deck every 1-3 years, depending on its exposure to the elements.

    The bottom line 

    Maintaining your commercial deck is all about protecting your investment. And to that end, routine care not only keeps your property looking great but also prevents costly repairs.

    Yes, the maintenance process can be overwhelming, but you can always invest in professional help to ensure the job’s done right.

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